The default ranking option is by the fund's Decile Ranking in its Group. You can switch this to Return ranking within the group if you prefer.
For Decile ranking, for each time period (1 week, 4 weeks, 12 weeks, or 26 weeks), we first rank all the funds in the Group by their % return. The top 10% of that ranking list go into Decile 1, the next 10% go into Decile 2, and so on until the bottom 10% go into Decile 10. The use of Deciles gives a much more accurate performance measure than the 'Quartile' system commonly used.
To select the leading funds in each Sector, we sort first by the Decile Ranking for the last 4 week period, and then we sort by the Decile Rankings for the most recent individual weeks.
For Return ranking, for each time period (4 weeks, 12 weeks, or 26 weeks), we rank the funds by the selected weeks return %, then by the recently weekly decile ranks.
In the tables we highlight Deciles 1 and 2 as that is an indication of good performance within the Group.
Note that the vertical scale on the charts often differs Sector to Sector to make the charts easier to read.
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